


          Juxin has accumulated over 20 years in the field of ultra-hard materials and ultra-hard materials products, actively absorbed international advanced technologies, vigorously invested in scientific and technological R &D , obtained patent authorization for a number of achievements, and formed the core technology of independent intellectual property rights, laying a solid foundation for better breakthroughs.

周宁县| 普格县| 富民县| 龙川县| 洛浦县| 武义县| 突泉县| 博野县| 安国市| 鹤庆县| 和田县| 连江县| 佛山市| 靖安县| 隆尧县| 龙海市| 西宁市| 南康市| 疏勒县| 泰安市| 聂荣县| 浙江省| 若尔盖县| 东港市| 滕州市| 泰安市| 昂仁县| 抚松县| 集贤县| 遂昌县| 新安县| 临安市| 桃园市| 时尚| 精河县| 永川市| 青岛市| 新乐市| 祁东县| 含山县| 洱源县|